July the Fourth pic (only a month late!)

Here’s our fam on 7/4 of this year – it’s been a little busy around here! Max is enjoying Sports Camp and Baby Lou (now we seem to be calling her ‘Lucy’, actually) is still an erratic night sleeper. Her walking is very solid and though still not really talking, her signing skills are very strong, and persistent! She can practically rub the skin off her chest as she repeats her ‘please’ which generally means ‘bottle of milk, please!’

Max told me the other day (when I informed him that it was rest time) that he didn’t want me to be his Mommy anymore. I said that was too bad, etc. After rest time (when he can be very sweet and affectionate), he said that I could be his Mommy again. And then “I forgive you, Mommy.” (though I don’t think I did anything wrong!) 🙂