Baby Weezy is not feeling well. She has been fussy all week (especially at night), so much so that I stayed home from work on Wednesday to give Toby a break. On Friday the decision was made not to send her with Max to the babysitter for Wes Schmidt’s wedding on Saturday afternoon. We decided to take her with us. Friday, the cranks seemed to clear up. She started sleeping all night again and was smile city.
However, she basically stopped eating on Friday. She would take one bite of any food we gave her (even her favorite: unadulterated applesauce) and then sign that she was ‘all done’. So we just gave her as much milk as she would drink. Even finger food was barely acceptable. Same thing on Saturday and Sunday. We had begun to supplement the moo juice with a couple of scoops of baby formula, so I wasn’t too worried about not getting enough nutrition. But the strange thing was, except for the not eating, she was a very happy little girl. She would smile and laugh with Max and crawl around zipping from room to room.
Hopefully she gets her appetite back soon.