Sleeping, Pooping Baby

When he was much younger, Max went through a phase where he would poop in the bathtub nearly everytime he took a bath. Last night, a bit of payback was visited on him. While Max and Weezy were taking a bath, I hear a loud shout. Max is standing in the tub yelling that baby has pooped. His face was extrememly distressed, while baby looked very content to sit in the warm water and was happily cooing. I had to laugh even though Toby ran out the door to go to the gym nano-seconds after she heard Max. Sorry, no pictures of this one.

Secondly, I would not have thought that it would make such a difference, but being home has really improved baby’s sleeping habits. On vacation, she had such a hard time sleeping, even when she wasn’t sick. She was generally up and fussing between 5:45a – 6:15a although the room was very dark. She has slept past 7a every morning since we have been back, and the kids’ bedroom is much lighter in the mornings. Toby is really enjoying this.