After 1 week of walking, Lucy (aka Lou, aka Weezy) is getting tired of falling down.
If you watched the previously posted videos, you saw that she was so excited about
just being able to walk, that even stumbling, falling down was fun.
Now, however, she is over the ‘falling down’ part of walking. It seems to frustrate
her a great deal that she cannot keep up with her brother. But she keeps trying. She
can stop, start and change direction without needing any supporting appliance or pant
In other news, Lucy has taken the first few, tentative sucks from a sippy cup. We
have been trying (off and on) for months to get her to use one of these. She would
put it in her mouth and then spit it out with a frown. Over the weekend, I put apple
juice in the sippy (something she has never had) in the hopes of providing incentive
for the sippy cup. It sort of works. Now she will take 2 or three very small sucks
before frowning. I know she is getting the juice, I can see it running down her chin.
Maybe she doesn’t like apple juice.
Max did very well in his swimming lessons, and is attending VBS in the mornings this
week. We parents get to have a show at the end of the week!