Her Mouth Runneth Over

And yet most of what Lucy says is quite incomprehensible! But her current vocab includes:

Hi! (Hi!)
Kah (car)
Bah (bah-bah – sippy cup)
Daa (Dad)
Pop (Poppa)
Shhh (Shoes)
Chhhh (Cheese)
Meow (her shoes with kitties on them)
Nana (banana)
Ppppooo (Pooh bear)

No, she doesn’t really say Momma. I’m not sure whether to have hurt feelings or not. 🙂 When you ask her, “where’s Lucy?” she jams her thumb repeatedly into her chest. When you ask, “where’s Momma?” she does the same thing! Maybe she hasn’t realized we’re two different people yet. She’s also getting quite good at pointing at her eyes, hair, ears, toes, fingers, etc on command. Such fun!