From Thursday, the weather for our Seal family gathering was not looking good. The forecasts predicted a 10 degree drop in the temperature with showers and thunderstorms. Toby was concerned so she lined up a plan B location if we were going to have rain on Sunday. She would decide Saturday morning where the gathering would be. Saturday’s weather was perfect for the beach : mid-70s, no wind, clear skies. The beach gathering was on!
Sunday morning before church I went and laid out some table cloths on the picnic tables to reserve our spot: Sunny and clear. After church, cold and rainy. The party was scheduled for 1:30p. At 12:45p the rain was pouring, I mean hard. We did a flash cleaning of the house, anticipating that everyone would come to our house for the lunch. Toby sent me to wait outside the beach entrance to direct everyone over to our house. When I got there at 1:15p, the sun had come out and it was warming up.
By 2p, it was back to nearly perfect beach weather. Thank you God.