So much stucco

The majority of this past weekend was spent pulling stucco off the walls of the house. We used some diamond blades to cut through the chicken wire. Most of the stucco then pulled off in large pieces. Although we taped up the windows, we still had too much dust get into the house. That cement dust is very fine and seems to be able to get through the tiniest cracks and into the house. A local plumber, Chris Kait, came by and is working up a quote for the new project. My Dad’s car broke down on the way up, but my ‘plus’ membership was able to get his car towed the 75 miles back to his house on Saturday night.

Cutting the stucco

Cutting the stucco

The south wall

The south wall

The east wall

The east wall

The west wall / southwest corner

The west wall / southwest corner