Since our Poppa is enjoying his European travels, we’ve been able to do some fun stuff the past couple of weekends (as a break from construction). Last weekend we embarked on a Pirate Cruise – an affordable $7.00/person (free Lucy!), 25 minute boat ride in the Santa Barbara waters off of Stearns Wharf. The staff was dressed to the nines, and the boat is dressed up, and they play pirate music, etc. It was a gorgeous day, and since the summer tourists were gone, we had the only kids on the boat, so Max got to drive our boat a little bit. Today we went to the Santa Barbara Sandcastle Festival in the afternoon. Max’s favorite one was this giant ape/King Kong sculpture that the artist let him sit in for a picture. We had a yummy dinner together and some treats after – again all in fantastic weather. Yippee! 🙂 (back to the grindstone next week)

Pirate Family and Wench

Pirate Kids

Max captured by a big sand ape