Three weeks ago I was able to get away for 4 days to Nashville, TN. My buddy Holly from Westmont was getting married, and since I got a free plane ticket, a super cheap car rental deal and free lodging – well who could resist? My other buddy Sukie (from DC) met me there and we had an amazing girly time together. Her mom’s friend Roweena, a genteel elderly southern lady, graciously opened her house to us. It was such a blessing to stay not in a motel, but in a lovely warm home, with comfy beds and so much hospitality. Some of our highlights included – a great breakfast meal at Noshville (a New York diner), pedicures at a brand-new and totally empty nail place, and painting the presents for the bride and groom at a pottery store. We also saw a great movie – ‘The Imposter’ – that was a suspenseful and terrifically written period piece – totally satisfying for 2 girls who don’t get to the movies much. We went shopping a tad – and I tried on some boots. One pair got on okay but I could NOT get them off! Sukie had to help and pull with all her might – and of course we needed to document it with our camera. Oh yea – we got upgraded from the Economy car we had paid for to a Kia mini-SUV. We loved driving it so much we kept saying – ‘I’m going to miss this car!’ Holly’s wedding was lovely and fun – buried deep in the TN woods at an old mill. Sukie and I talked our brains out, and seemed not at all to run out of things to say. The only downer for me was the ear infection I got from the airplane descent – yuck. But, all in all – such a super time!