This week was a flashback to the type of work we were doing last year at this time. We dug footings, tied rebar, poured cement, etc. We are preparing for our last 4 paralams on the second floor. We have 4 posts to put in to support these paralams, and the pads 2 of them sit on were pads that straddled the existing foundation. We had already done the half of the pad that was under the house, and so we completed the front half of the pads. Uncle Mark worked tirelessly demo’ing the roof to make room for the last of the second floor. If things go amazingly well next weekend we might have all the sub floor covered on the 2nd floor at the end of the weekend. Most below pictures are compliments of Maximilian W. Theule

Digging the pad

prepping for the rebar

Mark and the roof debris

Roof tarps

Roof destruction

Trying the white tarp again