Sweet Kiddos

I heard Max coughing a couple of times today, and I asked him when it had started? He said, “It just appeared to me.” (sounds like all that Biblical verbage is sinking in. 🙂 Lucy-isms: “Ain so happy to see you!” “Actually, Momma…” “I awready” (did that) “That’s GWOSS!” “Hello, my name is Lucy.” Then she instructed me on what I should say, “Hello, my name is Momma.” To her dolly Anna one day, “No whineen. No fussin’. You have a time-out.” And she put Anna in the time-out chair. “Thank you for not peein in diaper!” She says to me when she wants me to be proud of this feat. By the way – from Matt’s earlier post regarding our surprise rainy Sunday evening: the leak I found in the middle of the night basically started only after I had entered the room. It was dribbling squarely on Matt’s laptop, which I scooted away and wiped down (and later checked – it was fine). But there’s some more grace in the mess for you!