Ok, it’s particularly sad that now I only blog once a quarter?! Moving on to the good pics and news! In January, Max played basketball for the first time, with the Carp Boys and Girls Club. It is safe to say he had great energy and enthusiasm, but as much skill as a…hmmmm….fish on a bicycle? He enjoyed doing great leaps down the gym floor like a gazelle, and watching his shadow on the shiny floor. But – it was fun!
Mr. Basketball and his biggest fan
Max and buddy Jack
Then we had some rain…
Lucy in a puddle
And some in-house adventures…
Pajama party
In early February, we went to Solvang for a weekend to celebrate Pop’s big 60. It was an amazingly fun weekend, with good weather and super times with the kids.
Happy group
A surrey bike for 10! Boy, we got some crazy looks.
Lucy and Pop are swingin in the park
Ah, the joys of a tire swing. I personally think I should win some award for this artsy pic.
Poppa’s special birthday dinner
Could Syl really be married to this old guy?
Pop’s big present – a hot air balloon ride
Very impressive!
The frightful and cartoon-like bump that poor Emily got in our last hour of the weekend. (she’s ok now :).
Then, Mr. Matt turned 34!
We give serious gifts around here, like yo-yos and flashlights
Could Toby really be married to this old guy? Oops – she’s older than he is.
Em and Lucy
Max and Nate
Some new snazzy shirts