A real destination vacation! 🙂 We had our spring break with Yaya and Poppa in Valencia, mostly because Matt went to a conference in San Francisco. We had great times with them, and other friends and family that live out that way.

The end of that bowling morning was pretty eventful – I locked my keys in the car! Then it began to rain, and I had only a t-shirt on. I had left the windows cracked, and I ran inside the bowling alley to see if they had any kind of tool I could use as a Slim Jim. They gave me a wire clothes hanger and I ran back outside. Jessica was hanging with the kids under the overhang of the building to stay out of the rain. Lucy is now crying, and I realize she’s probably starving. As now I am. I bend the hanger and stick it down in the window, but it just won’t catch the door lock. I’m feeling hunger shakes and a deep sense of dread that I will have to wait 45 minutes for AAA to come! And Lucy cries on. Max is next to me know, and I say, “Buddy, will you pray and ask God to help us get the car unlocked?” He clasps his hands together and bows his head, there in the parking lot and prays urgently for us. I have a revalation on how to bend the hanger a different way. I try the lock that way – and oh-my-stars – it worked! We got in our car, and Jessica in hers, and raced to McDonalds. The rain was now coming down positively sideways! And then, it began to hail! A freak hail storm in Valencia – crazy! What a day. 🙂