What a Weekend

April 11-15, 2007 (Thursday – Sunday) It was time to put the roof over the new construction. Greg, Pop and Mark came up on Thursday (I still had to go to my day job) to work on setting up the roof beam and the rafters. One of the big questions had always been How are we going to hoist the 30 foot long, 600 pound paralam up 7 feet into the air? Well that was solved with a mechanical lift (whose maximum weight was 650 pounds. whew!) Thursday was very windy. So windy, that the ladders and other stuff were blown off the roof in the 40 mph gusts.

Pop and Hoist

Pop and Hoist

Mark and the Paralam

Mark and the Paralam

Greg aligning the paralam

Greg aligning the paralam

Thursday — This is what I saw when I drove home from work in the evening. Take a look at the palm trees in the background to see the effects of the wind.

Thursday evening work Thursday evening work

Thursday evening work

Friday — Greg brought Buddy and we continued to put up more rafters. The front of the house is what was mostly worked on.

Friday workFriday work

Friday work

Saturday — Greg decided to bring in the big guns for the rest of the roof. He recruited another of my Dad’s neighbors, Kevin, who is a general contractor specializing in roofs. God does provide. Kevin works almost as fast as Greg and got an amazing amount of work done. Our neighbor Gracie baked a cake for the working crew. The joke was that she was celebrating not having to look at a complete eyesore anymore.

Cake from Gracie

Cake from Gracie

Let them eat cake

Let them eat cake

Front Roof Line

Front Roof Line

West side

West side

Sunday — Kevin, Greg, Buddy and Mark were back again. The focus was on the back of the house. We wanted to finish the low roof over the office and get the plywood over the shed roof above the loft. We almost made it. The loft roof is finished and the rafters are in on the low office roof. We didn’t get the office roof plywood on and there is a bit of plywood missing on the east side, but all in all, it was a very productive weekend.

South West corner

South West corner

North face - front of the house

North face – front of the house