I am so glad that we have the opportunity to homeschool Max. Lucy will be along for the ride in a few years (she’s such a sponge, she might be doing fractions before we actually start teaching them). I get to have a few mornings a week with Max alone, while Lucy goes to preschool and dresses up like a ladybug or princess, paints and swings to her hearts content. So Max and I do Bible story reading, math, phonics, etc in our time together. And I can say that even on a bad day, I still love it. A lovely part of it is that he LOVES to draw and color. We’ll read a story, then talk about it, then I ask him to draw a picture or color a page about it. For example, we read about Bach the musician (history and literature), then listened to the CD that goes with it (music), then he colored a picture that came with the DVD Rom (art). Yea!! Sometimes he just blows our mind with his drawings, like this one today. Enjoy. 🙂