On Wednesday, 26 December, I took the day off work so that we could have a leisurely drive home and not have to rush home on Christmas day. Toby wanted to see the snow that day, so we decided to take a detour up to Frazier Park / Mt. Pinos. We had a good time driving up to Frazier Park. Lucy talked about the snow every couple of minutes on the drive. The guy at the Frazier Park visitor center gave us a map and said that there was snow about 15 minutes up the mountain. We drove up the mountain and started seeing snow. We found a turn off and parked the car to walk around. It was cold. It was very cold. At the visitor center, it was chilly, but we were 3000 ft higher in elevation and there was no ‘chilly’ at 8000 ft. It was cold. We piled out of the car to get to the warm clothes we packed. Lucy immediately started whining that she was ready to go home. But we had driven all this way and Lucy was going to have fun. The dogs jumped out of the van and quickly got their ‘snow legs’ as they splayed around. The snow was old and fairly packed, so there was no fear of sinking. I don’t think Petey had a good time, although Ginger seemed happy to sniff around for food. We found a cracked plastic sled that someone had abandoned and Max had a great time riding in it until he tipped over and slid down the hill on his belly, with his shirt riding up on his chest. Toby had to pee, of course, but they didn’t have public restrooms in the wilderness, so she dropped trow amongst the trees. No flash photography was allowed during this show. Max and I had a mini snowball fight, mostly ice-balls. We were all glad to get back into the van and down to the town again where we got hot coco from the local diner.