Well, yes he was eight on August 12, and here I am making the blog entry within a month! Yea for Toby.
Lucy, Max and friend Ben enjoying a super time at Chuck E Cheese. We had won a $50 gift card at Matt’s company picnic – so this excursion was FREE!
Lucy getting a swing from Dad.
Auntie Kelly and Uncle Ray – and the fabulous book of gross things that Max loves. Auntie Kelly got baptised at this beach, and we were so glad to be there with her.
Yummy S’mores for dessert (thanks to Gran’s smart present for his 7th birthday).
He hasn’t seen the movie – but the Legos are all the rage.
Cousins Abby, Emily and Alex join Max and Lucy on his present treasure hunt. He got 4 giant bags of Legos from us. Giant thanks to our good friends the Andersons, for having their boys grow up and then bless us with their hand-me-downs!
Yaya and Poppa gave him a new bike – which he really loves.
Also, Max was blessed by Gran with an amazing new hand-made pirate bed comforter (pic to follow). He loves it and is toasty warm at night.
We sure our grateful to God for our sweet, smart, extremely silly, artsy boy. Who can believe eight years have gone by?