After primer, the next step was to spray the ceiling with the finish color that Toby had selected and spray the crown moulding, doors and casement and the baseboards with high gloss bright white.
Since all the windows were still taped off from the primer painting, it was an easy start to get the first coat of ceiling finish up. We re-assembled the sprayer (with the new filters) and suited up. What a difference the clean filters made. The volume of the paint being sent out was much more consistent and we could turn the pressure down. We had far fewer runs and the paint was much more evenly applied.
The instuctions said that we could apply the next coat after a couple of hours, which was perfect timing for a lunch break. We were done spraying the second coat at about 3 pm. At that point, we started preparing the baseboard. Pop was concerned about overspray from the high gloss paint on the primered walls, so we papered and taped around the baseboard. I really wanted to spray the crown moulding at the same time, so we began to paper and tape the crown as well. The crown required coverage above and below. I thought it would take a couple of hours to prepare the crown moulding and that we could be finished spraying by 6 or so. I was wrong. Even with Toby helping for a couple of hours with taping, it was after 9p when we fired up the sprayer. We were so tired that some mistakes were made, like mixing in a gallon of ‘Swiss Mocha’ with the bright white. What can you do?
Pop had bought a special, narrow spray nozzle for the paint machine. It worked really well on the areas that we were spraying. This time, while Pop sprayed, I held up the worklight, so he could see what he was doing. We sprayed for a little less than an hour. 6 hours of prep, 1 hour of spray and 1 hour of cleanup. I was in the shower at 11:30p. The next day, I was going to work at Salem, but Pop had floor prep on schedule.
We were blazing through so intently that I didn’t stop to take pictures as we worked.
Below is a picture of the ‘Whisper’ colored ceiling and the finish painted crown moulding.