For my 39th birthday I received a pair of unwanted presents. First was a pair of glasses to see at a distance (even though I had laser eye surgery back in 1996) and the second was some pre-cancer spots frozen off of my face and head. Ugh.
However, I also had a wonderful dinner from my Mom and contributions from many family members towards the purchase of a sea kayak. After a few weeks of looking on Craig’s List, I found the one I purchased at Costco. I love the Costco seasonal items.
When I brought it home, I had a few hours of daylight left, so I tried to get Max or Lucy to go with me. They would have nothing to do with it. So I asked Marie (a student of ours from France) to go with me. She was very enthusiastic. She especially liked the part when we tipped over coming back into the beach. She told me that if I ever wanted someone to kayak with again, “I am your man!”