Here is a video I shot while I walked around the block. Below are some exterior shots. We have had the house body and trim painted and the rain gutters put up.

Here is a video I shot while I walked around the block. Below are some exterior shots. We have had the house body and trim painted and the rain gutters put up.
Poppa is having a rough time lately. This latest incident has me thinking he needs to have some remedial ‘safe use of crowbar’ training. He was pulling some nails out at head height and the crowbar slipped off the head of the nail and the other end of crowbar popped Poppa right above the eye. Oh boy. Not to be out done, I also sustained an injury. I have a gnarly splinter in my thumb that won’t come out. It must be 1/32 of an inch long! I have placed the picture of Poppa ‘below the fold’ so if you don’t want to see it, you can close your web browser now. Scroll down for the picture of Poppa. There is no picture of my splinter.
Are you sure?
Last weekend was a multiple-day work weekend, and on Saturday night while Toby was at the movies, Pop tripped going down the stairs (to get a flash light) and injured his finger. He thought he had broken his pinky, it had swollen up to triple size. Max, Lucy and I drove Poppa to the ER where he discovered it was not broken, but dislocated, and badly dislocated. The ER doc administered 10 shots of novacaine, but Poppa said that it still hurt like crazy. But, Poppa is tough, and he worked the next day without any hinderance with his pinky taped to his ring finger for a splint.
5 sections of 8′ tall commercial grade steel scaffolding for pickup in Santa Clarita or Carpinteria. They are well used, very sturdy and very functional. Includes the scaffolding grade 12′ planks. $500 or best offer. contact matt @ mattsolutions . com Click on picture below for full sized image
$500 or best offer. contact matt @ mattsolutions . com
There hasn’t been much progress to show in pictures. Our neighbor is a painter, and is doing a very good job on the exterior paint. He is getting all the caulking done and coating any exposed nail heads so they don’t rust and streak. He has finished the back 3/4 of the house and is working on the front of the house, so I thought I would post a view from the finished back side of the house.
Did you notice the top of the tallest gable is a darker color than the main body of the house? The siding up there is a ‘fishscale’ or ‘scalloped’ siding. Toby highlighted it with the darker shade of paint. Click on the small picture and the fullsized picture will open up in a new browser window. Zoom in on that picture to see the details of the siding. It looks *really* good in real life. We are mostly done with the scaffolding that you see in the picture. If you know anyone who is interested in commercial grade scaffolding, please have them contact me.