Back in the Wedding Biz

I’ve had 3 weddings this summer, ranging from full-scale wedding planning to just day-of wedding coordination.  All 3 went super well, and I’m so blessed to have already booked one for Feb 2012!  God is good.  Here’s some pics below. 

Also, my new website is ready for traffic –  Take a lookie!

Megan and Bryan – July 2011



Julie and Peter – my 1st couple over 50 (so sweet and fun)


And a pic I love from a couple from 2004 – Annie and Ramone (he was in my Westmont class)


Carisa and Ryan (she has been my intern!) – their wedding is next Feb.


A Sunday Drive

We took a trip to the California Science Center on Sunday, 16 September 2011.  It was a great trip for many reasons, but it was a looooong trip as well.

The first reason that it was a great trip was that everyone had a fun time learning about science.  The next reason that it was a great trip was that our foreign exchange student, ZeeZee got to join us.  Next, we we joined by Em & Nate for the day.  Next, we were on time (or early) to every thing we wanted to see or everyone we wanted to meet (that doesn’t happen very often for our family).  Last but certainly not least, Jeff & Jan (and YaYa for a bit) had Ro so that we were able to focus on the exhibits, knowing he was in good hands (not ours!).

While at the museum, we saw 2 IMAX 3D movies.  I would recommend them both to anyone.

After the first movie, Aunt Jan sent me a message to let me know that Ro was having a good time.
Roly & Riley

The kids especially liked the dominos table where a whole bunch of domino trains could be constructed.  We went back here at the end of the day at the kids’ request.


Waiting for the 3D movie to start.  Em is being super cool with her ‘shades’ on.

Like I said, it was a long trip.  Google calculates it at 228 miles, round trip, in 4.5 hours.  We left home at about 7:45a, and got back at about 8:30p.  Glad to have made the trip, and especially glad to be back home safe and sound.

View Trip to California Science Center in a larger map

Roly is a Walker

Roly discovered that he is bi-pedal a few days ago.  If he can find something to pull himself up on, he will walk for as long as he can.  Below is a compilation of a bunch of short videos that Max took with his FlipCam.  Please ignore the strawberry stains on Roly’s shorts.  He loves his strawberries.

Roly Bouncin’ Around from Matt Theule on Vimeo.

The older kids are having a great time ‘encouraging’ Roly in his walking.  As you probably noticed, one way they ‘encourage’ him is to hold his bottle just out of reach.  I guess that is what older siblings are for.  Also, Max thinks it is artistic to get video of just the knees and feet.  I had to order Max to get footage with Roly’s whole body in the frame.


This summer, I borrowed a kayak from a friend at work.  Lucy was the first to ride with me and we had a great time.   Emily got in, but I dumped her trying to get past the (barely there) Carpinterian surf.  Nate was also dumped into the knee-deep water (his knees, not mine) when the kayak went parallel to the surf.  He cried so hard and so loud that the life guard came over and asked if he was OK.  I think YaYa was a little embarrassed.

On other days, Max and I have cruised out.  We have kayak’d up to Padaro Beach Grill an down to the Venoco pier.  I took my phone with us on the most recent trip and used GPS to record our tracks.  Uploading this information to Google Maps was pretty cool.

View 2011-08-16 18:29 in a larger map

Since we’ve been back

It has been about 6 weeks since we have returned from Yosemite and a lot has happened.  Let’s take a look.

GranMille and GranDon spent about 3 weeks with us and everyone had a super time.

Boy Scout Troop 50 marches in the Carpinteria 4th of July parade.

Our parade includes a garbage truck, patriotically adorned.

The annual First Baptist VBS was a hit.  Max and Lucy rode their bikes to and from each day.  At the end of the week was the show.  Can you spot Lucy?  Hint: look for pink crocs.  Can you spot Max?  He is hiding, but still (barely) visible.



Roly turned 1 years old, got some ice cream, cake and YaYa and Poppa got a picture with all the grand kids.


Our boy is getting better at feeding himself.  He downed this banana in just a few minutes the other night.  I still do the peeling for him, but the cutting of the banana into wheels is no longer necessary.

Roly loves books.  I mean really loves books.  He grabs them. He eats them.  He tears them up.  Here, I am reading to Sumo-wrestler Lucy and Roly decides he needs to be involved.

I hung  some hammock seats on the front porch and they are a big hit.  Even Roly can get into the swinging chairs.  The crazy thing is that I bought these on our Mexican cruise in July 2008 and hung them up in July 2011.

I borrowed a kayak from a friend at work and Max and I cruise at the beach quite a bit.


Still crawling, but he likes the scoop because it makes him look like Popeye with a pipe in his mouth.

He sort of pushes himself along behind the walker that he got for his birthday.

He sort of likes the trailer that we got for him to ride in.  The trailer attaches to the bike and can be used as a stroller.

The Johnston’s came for a long weekend visit.  A great time was had by all.  We promised to try to see each other more frequently than every 3 years.  Unfortunately, the next visit is for the Theule’s to go to Lake Elisinore.  ummm….




Salem had a great picnic this year.  Lucy got her face painted and learned to twirl a lasso.  She even entered a pie eating contest and rode a pony.  Max did well in the apple bobbing contest.  Roly did not enjoy having his face painted.