Cub Scout camping at Arroyo Hondo

Spending Saturday afternoon at Arroyo Hondo Nature Preserve. We had an archery demonstration and a boomerang clinic. Then we walked down to the beach through a tunnel that was built under the freeway to allow the steel head trout to get upstream.
Near the beach there were 2 geocaches, so some boys and I climbed up to the top of a couple of bridges and the boys threw rocks down while I hunted for the geocaches. I found the first one and before walking the 1000 ft. to the next one, I told the boys not to play on the railroad tracks. I told them that all gravel was off limits. About 90 seconds later, a train came barreling down the tracks. Whew! Since there were no crossings near, the train didn’t blow the whistle, and I didn’t hear it until it was very, very close.
Dinner is tri-tip and hotdogs and stew. Good stuff.

Can you spot the boys in the trestles?

When not at climbing, the boys were swinging

The best part of camping, the food!

Little League 2011

screen_4dc5f2a1dc9e1Max is really enjoying playing baseball this season.  He is in the Minor ‘A’ league, on the Durham Bulls (a minor league of MLB). 

He prefers playing 1st base.  The coach also puts him in left field because Max has the speed to chase fly balls.  He has made some tremendous defensive plays and has been awarded 3 ‘game’ balls this season.

This past Saturday, Max tried something new.  The coach asked him to start off the game in the position of pitcher.  Max had never pitched in a game before, but has been throwing balls into a piece of plywood in the yard for a while.


In the first inning, Max got 2 strikeouts and had 1 run scored on 13 pitches.  He did so well that the coach had him pitch for the second inning as well.  In the second inning, he struck out 1 batter and held the opposing team scoreless in 21 pitches.

The coach’s original intent was (and continues to be) to give each boy who wants a chance to pitch for at least 1 inning.  Max exceeded expectations, and so I think the coach might add Max to the pitching rotation.  The coach really likes the idea of having a left-handed pitcher.

International Flavor

Jade, our French Canadian exchange student, made a local dish last night for us.  The dish is called PoutineThis is a Quebec fast-food consisting of french fries topped with cheese curds and brown gravy.


Toby made some burgers to accompany this delicacy.  It was a yummy dinner.

Winter 2011

Toby and I have just completed the 14-week Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University at Ventura Baptist Church.  We really benefitted from this class in many ways.  We have begun a process of paying off our current debt, avoiding future debt, and saving for the future.  Many people helped us, many time, to take this class, most prominent were the people who watched our kids on Sunday nights during the class.

While this class was nominally presented from a Christian world-view, the lessons focused mostly on the philosophy of avoiding debt and saving for the the future.  One of the changes in our thought process that is required is delayed gratification.  This is very hard in America’s consumer driven culture.

In an effort to speed up our debt payoff, Toby and I have taken second jobs.  Our second jobs are hosting foreign exchange students for a local international language school.  We are currently hosting a French Canadian student and a Korean student.  This winter we have also hosted students from Japan and Holland.  Having 2 students is a bit like a second job, as we are expected to provide breakfast and dinner each day (and lunch on the weekends).  Toby prepares full dinners each night and I clean up each day.  Toby laments the loss of throwing tacquitos and quesadillas at the kids as we rush from baseball to Awana to dance class to Cub Scouts.  But the effort is worth it as we work towards financial peace.

For my 38th birthday, Poppa made me a Bacon Explosion:  bacon crumbles inside a layer of sausage, rolled up inside a bacon weave, smothered in bar-be-que sauce and smoked to perfection.

Toby followed up with peanut butter brownies : brownies layered with marshmallow sauce and topped with a chocolate peanut butter, rice krispy concoction,





From the Coast View News, Carpinteria California.  Volume 17, No. 28 : 14-20 April 2011, p. 7.