Sent to the Local Paper (we’ll see if they print it)


Can you see the Royal Resemblance?

Toby Theule (Carp local and wedding planner) and Lucy Theule (a homeschooled 1st grader) are looking forward to the royal wedding of Prince William and Catherine Middleton.  Toby’s great-grandmother was Lucille Middleton Loback.  Their family historian traced their Middleton line all the way back, and they are distant cousins of Catherine Middleton.  When the future king and queen have a child, then Toby and Lucy will be officially blood-related to a member of the royal family.  "Somehow, I still don’t think we will get an invitation to the wedding!" Toby joked.


Dear Friends for Many Years

What a kick it is to get together with people that you have known for over 20 years!  This is Laurel and Brian Tidemanson and their kids Brayden and Lily, with Frank and Sheryl D’Elia with Lizzy and Danny, and of course us 5 Theules.  Roly is quite impressed with something going on in the sky….


So much for secure flights

Sitting 2 rows in front of me on the flight to Tampa, FL from Santa Barbara, CA, is a man I was behind in both the checkin line and the security line. He spent about 5 minutes at the checkin counter searching through his bags. He didn’t have any photo id with him.
He was checked in, but the ticket agent warned him that he might have problems at security. His bag was sent to security for screening. I was again behind him as we approached the counter where they check ID and boarding passes. He explained to the TSA agent that he didn’t have any photo ID with him, but he did have his checkbook. He was pulled to the side and a supervisor was called. I proceeded through security with no problems.
When I boarded, he was already in his seat. So much for knowing exactly who is flying. What a joke airport security is. 🙁

Backing up…

In January we had a stellar day one Saturday.  Max had his baseball evaluations and hit 2 of the 3 balls on the batting part (a first for an evaluation day).  Then we had our Pine Derby Race with our Teamkidz group – and wow!  Max won 1st place for speed and Lucy won 2nd place for design.  What a day!



