Toby has been hearing crazing clawing sounds late at night. She describes it as sounding like something is trying to pull the siding off our house. I have heard it on occasion as well. I thought that it was something that was attacking the metal rain gutter downspout. I moved some things around and thought I had solved the problem because there was no more noise.
A few days ago Toby began looking for a dirty diaper or old food in the area of our back office because she said there was a rotten smell. At that time I couldn’t smell anything but over the next few days I got some wiffs of something not right.
On Thursday we took advantage of the kids being gone (Max to Victory Ranch, and Lucy to Poppa & YaYa’s house) to go on a date. As we returned home from dinner at Gianfranco’s (Toby’s favorite Carpinteria restaurant), I got a strong smell of rottenness at the back door. I bent over and took a wiff at the vents under the office. Yikes!! Now I knew where the stink was coming from: under the house.
So I bought a respirator and some heavy duty cleaning gloves and crawled under the house. I went under the office and found 2 dead animals. One was very dried up and un-identifiable, but the other (hidden under some insulation) was a very large, recently dead opossum. It’s tail was about as big around as my thumb at the base.
The respirator worked very well. I couldn’t smell a thing while I was down there. I don’t know if I would have been able to do the work if I had been gagging on the smell in the crawlspace.