We arrived last night at The Grandview at Las Vegas Resort at about 7:30p. The trip was uneventful: lots of stops and lots of bickering. It took us a frustrating 30 minutes to find the registration building, partly due to the GPS taking us into the parking lot from the back entrance, partly due to poor signage. Once we got to the rooms, we discovered that the 2 bedroom lockout units are two FULL single bedrooms that share a common foyer. It isn’t a big one bedroom and a little studio as most lockout units have been. In terms of square footage, this is probably the biggest unit(s) we have stayed in.
Bad news: Toby discovered last night that she had left her personals bag at home. No toothbrush, no lotions, no makeup, to name a few missing items. Luckily, there is a Walgreen’s close by and she was able to replace the essentials.
Across the street is the South Point Casino, so we decided to explore after a morning of swimming. We had lunch at Steak And Shake. The kids were impressed by the number of milk shakes to choose from.

After an afternoon of more swimming, it was time to continue a family tradition: a trip to Krispy Kreme.

Roly was tuckered out by the long day of adventures.